How to Make a Patio Vegetable Garden

By Ana Luisa Rincon

Step 1: Determine the size of the space

Determine the size you will have available for your patio garden ensuring it is facing south for best sun exposure (5-6 hrs a day)

Step 2: Choose the Containers

The larger the container, the better. It is recommended to use non-porous containers in order to conserve moisture and nutrients that get absorbed by clay (porous material). There are also raised planter beds and large individual pots.

Step 3: Select the Potting Soil

The ideal potting mix is a soilless mix or soil mix, because it is well aereated and lightweight. Traditional garden soil is too heavy and compact and not compatible with the needs of vegetable plants.

Step 4: Select the Vegetables

You can try tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, and herbs to start.

Step 5: Water your Vegetables and Enjoy!

Frequent watering, especially during the summer, is essential. Enjoy!